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Cleveland Shambhala Celebrates the Arts day

В неділю, March 24th after meditation, our shanga will be celebrating creators, creating, and creations. This is an event for everyone, no matter the medium or skill level. (Drawing, painting, photography, поезії, song etc.)  This is not limited to what you created, but you may also bring in art that inspires you as well.

The theme is “How does what you share with the Sangha, show you the basic goodness in yourself, others, and the world?

If you share a piece of physical art, bring a notecard with a description and your name along with your creation. We’ll display it as best we can!

If you wish to share poetry, a song, тощо. time will be set up accordingly. Please be mindful of the length to allow everyone time to share.

To help us plan, let us know what you will be sharing by using this form.

This is a great event to share and get to know each other better in the community.

We hope you decide to share


Клівлендський центр медитації Шамбала
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2024-06-03 02:22:23