Chargement Évènements
Emplacement: Centre Shambhala d'Halifax

Compassionate ConnectionsThe Essence of Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Experience the view of needs-based consciousness and begin to integrate the view in your everyday life.

  • 4 weekly sessions
  • 90 minutes each
  • Through games, role plays, discussion, and empathy exchange, practice the NVC skills that can make life more wonderful.
  • Experience the view of needs-based consciousness and begin to integrate the view in your everyday life.

Quand: les mardis, Avril 30, Peut 7, 14, 21, 6:30-8 pm

Où: HSC Community Room

Who: Led by experienced student and CNVC Trainer candidate Ron Renz

Tout le monde est le bienvenu, “newbiesand those with NVC experience.

Centre Shambhala d'Halifax
Voir tous les événements dans Centre Shambhala d'Halifax
2024-05-19 07:53:54