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Être bouddhiste: Explorer le vœu de refuge (en ligne)

Explorez ce cours Shambhala en ligne enregistré à votre rythme.

Être bouddhiste
Explorer le vœu de refuge
avec Gaylon Ferguson
Begins April 6

We welcome you to join Gaylon Ferguson for a three-session online courseÊtre bouddhiste: Explorer le vœu de refuge which explores the moment in a person’s life when they decide to “be Buddhist »—formally, through the practice of taking a vow. The Refuge Vow marks the decision to commit oneself wholeheartedly to the Buddhist path and to further one’s practice and training.

Si vous envisagez de prendre le vœu de refuge, this course will help you understand the commitment you would be making, the benefits of doing so, and whether this is the right moment for you on your spiritual path. If you have already taken the Refuge Vow, this course is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your original inspiration for taking the vow.

S'inscrire maintenant!

Sessions Breakdown

Session 1
What is the Refuge Vow

Session 2
 A personal exploration of why one would consider taking the Refuge Vowor has already taken it.

Session 3
A deeper exploration of the “three jewels” (Bouddha, dharma, sangha)—a key aspect of the Refuge Vow.


L'inscription se fait via le site Web Shambhala Online. Please use theINSCRIVEZ-VOUS ICI link below and enter these codes:

Centre: crême Philadelphia
Code de partage des revenus: 2024REFUGE50

Prix ​​par personne: $149.00


Register here

Dans la tradition bouddhiste, le but de se réfugier est de se réveiller de la confusionand associate oneself with wakefulnessWhen we take refuge, we commit ourselves to the Buddhist path.

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoché

Centre de méditation Shambhala de Philadelphie
Voir tous les événements dans Centre de méditation Shambhala de Philadelphie
2024-05-11 10:37:41