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Emplacement: Centre Shambhala de Burlington

Formation Shambhala niveau III: Guerrier dans le monde

  “Shambhala vision teaches us that, in the face of the world’s greatest problems, we can be heroic and kind at the same time. Shambhala vision is the opposite of selfishness. When we are afraid of ourselves and afraid of the seeming threat the world presents, then we become extremely selfish. We want to build our own little nests, our own cocoons, so that we can live by ourselves in a secure way. But we can be much more brave than that.
– Chogyam Trungpa

Shambhala Training reminds us that “everything is fresh,” that each moment opens opportunities for us to engage our world in a direct way. Niveau III, “The Warrior in the World,” is a weekend especially suited to examine our tendencies to rely on the cocoon of habit in order to step out into the gentle fearlessness needed to further help this world.

Prérequis: Shambhala Niveau II: Naissance du guerrier

Full Program Fee: $100 
This price covers Burlington Shambhala Center’s actual operating cost for the program (including ongoing costs of running the Center).

Sponsor Program Fee: $160
This price, in addition to covering BSC’s cost for the program, extends generosity to other participants. Thanks to you, we will be able to make more scholarships available to support people on the Shambhala path.

No one will be turned away for financial reasons.



Centre Shambhala de Burlington
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2024-05-20 11:46:12