Chargement Évènements
Emplacement: Centre de méditation Austin Shambhala

Vœux de refuge et de bodhisattva



“In the Buddhist tradition, taking refuge is a matter of commitment and acceptance and, at the same time, of openness and freedom. By taking the refuge vow, we commit ourselves to freedom.” —Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoché.

The refuge vow is the ancient, traditional ceremony of becoming a Buddhist. It is a turning point in one’s life, and is both a proclamation and a celebration. Taking this vow is formally entering the lineage of the Buddha.

It is recommended to take a Refuge Vow Class prior to taking the vow.

There are no costs involved with taking the vow, but it is traditional to offer a heart gift for the preceptor.



Semer une graine telle que le vœu de bodhisattva sape l'ego et conduit à une formidable expansion de la perspective.. Un tel héroïsme, ou grandeur d'esprit, remplit complètement tout l'espace, tout à fait, absolument. Dans une perspective si vaste, nothing is claustrophobic and nothing is intimidating. There is only the vast idea of unceasingly helping all sentient beings, as limitless as space, along the path to enlightenment

—Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoché

The Bodhisattva Vow is further commitment, after taking the Refuge Vow, to put others before oneself and to work wholeheartedly for the benefit of all. The basis of this vow is the aspiration to develop friendliness, compassion, et une véritable perspicacité à travers la pratique des six paramitas – générosité, discipline, patience, effort, méditation, et prajna. If you are interested in taking the Bodhisattva Vow, please have taken refuge at least six months prior, and have approval from a meditation instructor.

Potential vow-takers should arrange to have a conversation with their Meditation Instructor well ahead of time to ascertain readiness for this powerful step. It is also recommended to take a Bodhisattva Vow class prior to taking the vow.

There are no costs involved with taking the vow, but it is traditional to offer a heart gift for the preceptor.


Centre de méditation Austin Shambhala
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2024-05-17 10:57:57