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Медитаційний похід Драла: Old Salmon River Trail (Mt Hood)

Медитаційний похід Драла: Old Salmon River Trail

Субота, May 11th, 2024  

9:30 AM – 2:00 PM


Registration is now closed

Join us for a Drala Hike where we will quiet the mind in order to open ourselves to the wisdom of nature and the Drala energies of the Pacific Northwest. We hike in noble silence while contemplatively attuning and engaging the senses in the phenomenal world around us.

This month, join us for a Drala Hike in old growth forest up on Mt. Hood on a relatively flat and easy trail that hugs the Salmon River. We’ll combine hiking with meditation while observing noble silence and safe distancing.



Складність походів:

Relatively easy

Відстань: 4 miles round trip

Elevation: 450 foot elevation gain

Що принести: Appropriate footwear, води, lunch and a kneeling pad or something else to sit on for occasional stops for sitting meditation. Also suggested depending on personal hiking preferences and weather: hiking poles, a hat, sunscreen, дощовик.

Час зустрічі: 9:30 AM

Driving Time from Portland: про 1 hr

Місце зустрічі: Old Salmon River Trailhead A. This is the first trailhead, closest to the Highway (NOT the trailhead further down by the bridge where Salmon River Trail begins).

Driving Directions: Drive Highway 26 east through Sandy. From the last traffic light in Sandy, drive 16.8 miles to Zigzag, and turn right onto E. Salmon River Road.

Drive 2.7 miles on Salmon River Road and pull off to the right at the first trailhead for the Old Salmon River Trail, marked on the map as Trailhead A.

Hike leader: Joan Sears and Liz Howell

Car Pool: Contact Liz Howell, Координатор походу Драла., advance to see if car pool options are available for this hike.



Registration online helps avoid the pen and paper contact involved in filling out emergency contact and release forms in person. При реєстрації (нижче), you will be asked to list an emergency contact’s name and number and to check a box indicating that you consent to цю форму випуску (звільнення Шамбали від відповідальності). Please register by the end of the day on Thursday, Може 9.



“Розслаблюючи розум, ви можете відновити зв’язок із тим споконвічним, вихідний грунт, який абсолютно чистий і простий. З того, за допомогою вашого сприйняття, ви можете відкрити магію, або драла.”   ~Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche


Drala hikes are open to the public. Без собак, будь ласка – Для питань щодо цього чи іншого, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з Ліз Хауелл, Координатор походу Драла.


2024 Drala Hike Schedule


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2024-05-19 18:08:17