Завантаження Події

Drala Event: Blueberry Pick, Meditation and Social

Драла Подія: Blueberry Pick, Meditation and Social

Субота, August 3rd, 2024  

10:00 AM – 1:30 PM

Join us for a “Blue-TongueDrala Meditation & Social where we will quiet the mind in order to open ourselves to the wisdom of nature and the drala energies of the Pacific Northwest. We practice in noble silence while contemplatively attuning and engaging the senses in the phenomenal world around us.

We’ll meet at a privately owned home with a small blueberry farm about 30 minutes outside of Portland in Ridgefield, WA, at the home of Portland Shambhala member Robert Lovitt/Heather Gordon for a “mindful u-pick-it”.

We will combine the practice of drala meditation with the joy of picking ripe blueberries. After arrival and settling in, we’ll begin with a meditation on the patio. Then we’ll walk the rows of blueberries while observing noble silence. Buckets with neck straps will be provided. As the gong sounds, we pause our berry-picking and transition into a moment of stillnessjust listen, or just smell, or just look.

Afterwards we’ll head to the patio and have lunch together. Bring your own sandwich or lunch snack(с) – and maybe a bit to share if you feel like it. Some cold beverages will be available.



Вартість: $15 per person

Meeting time: 10:00 AM

Meeting location: Will be shared with registrants after registering

Return time: about 2 PM

Місцезнаходження: Ridgefield, WA

Car Pool: Contact Liz Howell, Координатор походу Драла in advance to see if car pool options are available for this



Registration online helps avoid the pen and paper contact involved in filling out emergency contact and release forms in person. При реєстрації (нижче), you will be asked to list an emergency contact’s name and number and to check a box indicating that you consent to цю форму випуску (звільнення Шамбали від відповідальності). Please register by the end of the day on Thursday, August 2nd.


“Розслаблюючи розум, ви можете відновити зв’язок із тим споконвічним, вихідний грунт, який абсолютно чистий і простий. З того, за допомогою вашого сприйняття, ви можете відкрити магію, або драла.”   ~Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche


Drala hikes are open to the public. Без собак, будь ласка – Для питань щодо цього чи іншого, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з Ліз Хауелл, Координатор походу Драла.


2024 Drala Hike Schedule

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