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Місцезнаходження: Хузер Хартленд Шамбала Група медитації

Навчіться медитувати

Come join us at the Center for Wholism, a beautiful setting for learning to meditate. No experience necessary.
Doors will be open at 8:30ранок. Instruction begins at 9am.  We will practice sitting meditation for short periods with walking and stretching breaks in-between until noon. We’ll break for tea mid-morning too.
We have plenty of cushions and chairs. You might want to bring a shawl or blanket.
Your invited to bring a lunch and join us for conversation afterwards.
Bring friends and please register so we know how many to expect. We are committed to offering meditation to all, choose your most comfortable donation.

Хузер Хартленд Шамбала Група медитації
Переглянути всі події в Хузер Хартленд Шамбала Група медитації
2024-05-20 07:59:02