Marc Blumenfeld

Marc Blumenfeld became a student of Shambhala in 1979 when he began studying with Chögyam Trungpa, Shambhala’s founder. Dans le 1990, he moved to Madison, Wisconsin and worked with the community there to found the Shambhala Center of Madison. He is a former Center Director and has taught programs and led retreats in meditation, pleine conscience, Buddhism and Shambhala for over 30 années. Mark has also served on the Board of Shambhala Global since 2018. He is married to Lora Wiggins, has three adult children and lives in Madison, WI.

Mark's Courses

Un cours sur l'enseignement de la méditation incarnée et informée sur les traumatismes, qui appartiennent, et sujets connexes. Pour les guides Shambhala et les instructeurs de méditation, tant pour la formation initiale que pour la formation continue..
Les prérequis s'appliquent
Formation d'instructeur de méditation
2024-05-13 02:38:14