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Body-Mind Centering® ontmoet Maitri Space Awareness

We live in a time where life on earth is not easy. We are flooded with news and signals of danger, terror, and disbalance to a point where the continued existence of our planet and humanity sometimes seem called into question.

When confronted with pain and despair, both on an individual and a societal level, we often draw back and contract out of fear and overwhelm. We shrink back and isolate ourselves in a cocoon of apathy and supposed safety. When this becomes our way of life, we block our natural wisdom qualities, like empathy, Liefde, joy of life, wakeful intelligence and more.

To live in a less constricted way, with a more spacious, open sense of possibility, creativiteit, and connection, we can choose another option: to learn to open our heart and senses with courage, mindfulness and respect to explore the situation we live in. When we do so, we discoverto our surprisethat we have within our body, our emotions and mental capacities the wisdom necessary to find answers to the burning questions of our modern times.


Body-Mind Centering® (BMC®) offers an experiential study of the body systems (bones, organs, fluids, nerves, spieren, enz.) within the context of human development. Every cell has consciousness, is moving, breathing, relating.

Examining and being present with the living tissues of our bodies through guided perception, movement and touch, opens and deepens direct understanding of how we are in relationship with ourselves and the world around us and how mind-movement and body-movement are inseparable expressions of our unfolding journey.

Body-Mind Centering® was founded by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in the 1970s and is being explored and deepened by a worldwide community of practitioners and schools. This practice invites us to discover our habitual patterns, to expand into new possibilities and to recognizing the pathways from one to the other.


Maitri Space Awareness Practice (MSAP) was first developed by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and is based on the principles of the five buddha families of Tibetan Buddhism. Each buddha family emphasizes a particular aspect of energy or pattern within and around us, which can manifest in a way that is sane and wakeful or confused and blocked.

By using colored rooms or glasses and specific body postures, the experience of these different energy patterns is intensified. This allows us to recognize how they manifest within us at the level of body, toespraak / emotion and mind.

The emphasis of the practice is on discovering, within these raw and colorful energies, unconditional friendliness (of vriend) naar zichzelf. Deze ontdekking wordt een basis voor een vollediger leven, vakkundig begrijpen en omgaan met anderen, en het opbouwen van een dynamische en gezonde relatie met iemands werk, thuis en natuurlijke omgevingen.

This programme is open to everybody. An introduction to different meditation techniques as well as BMC® and MSAP will be given within the continuation of the programme.


Praktische details

Please note that the Paris 2024 Olympics end on August 11, which may affect the availability of flights and trains from Paris.

Dag van aankomst: Zaterdag 10 augustus. Je bent uitgenodigd om vandaan te komen 4 pm om u te registreren en in uw kamer te installeren. Het diner wordt geserveerd bij 6.30 p.m. Oriëntatiegesprek op 8 pm.

Einde van het programma: Maandag 19 augustus. Slotkring en 's avonds banket.

Dag van vertrek: Dinsdag 20 augustus. U kunt op elk moment vertrekken (geen programma). U bent van harte welkom om te blijven lunchen.

This programme is taught in English and will be translated in French. Verzoeken om vertolking in andere talen moeten vooraf worden ingediend en bevestigd (Geef op de registratiepagina aan dat u om vertolking vraagt).


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2024-05-15 04:36:29