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Lokalizacja: Centrum Medytacji Szambali w Montrealu

Poziom l: Sztuka bycia człowiekiem / Odwołany

The meditative state reflects the ground nature of our mind: wakeful, otwarty, calm. The practice of meditation as taught for over 2500 years is a potent way to recover our contact withthe beauty and magic of ordinary life, directly and without struggle.

This ancient path of courageous self-discovery is based on the simple but revolutionary realization that every human being is able to develop the stability, clarity and strength of mind which is our birthright. We can learn to let go of habitual patterns of mind based on fear, and directly experience our world and our life with appreciation and gentleness.

Poziom 1 is the prerequisite for all other Shambhala Training Levels.
The program will be taught in French.


Centrum Medytacji Szambali w Montrealu
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2024-05-18 08:02:13