Ładowanie Wydarzenia
Lokalizacja: Centrum Medytacji Szambali w Vancouver

Wojownik na świecie: Szkolenie Szambali, poziom III, online

When we become awake to our sense perceptions, we can venture into the world with confidence and vulnerability that is fearless, delikatny, and alive. This is Warrior in the world. We can make an effort to bring the mindfulness and awareness cultivated during our meditation practice into all aspects of our daily life.
The warrior in the world leaves the stuffiness of the cocoon to explore the world with direct perception. This can be the beginning of a life-long love affair with the phenomenal worldnot based on the reference points of hope and fear, gain and loss. Along this journey we develop genuine confidence, humour and personal dignity.
This program presents Warrior in the World (the third Level of the Heart of Warriorship series) przez cztery sobotnie poranki dostępne za pośrednictwem Zoom z domu 9:00 do południa czasu PST.
Cena: (Canadian) Supporting $120; Generosity/Patron $150; Powtarzać $50. To pay the repeat price or request Financial Aid, email [email protected]. It is our policy that no one be denied access to this program due to inability to pay.
Warunek wstępny: SHambhala Training Level IIThe Birth of the Warrior
Co-directors Ginny Evans I Paweł Belserene  are both longtime Shambhala students and experienced teachers whose programs are touched with creativity, odwaga, and humor.
Centrum Medytacji Szambali w Vancouver
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2024-05-12 08:54:07