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Standort: Stockholmer Shambhala-Meditationsgruppe

Wie entwickelt sich die Meditationspraxis mit der Zeit??


Wie entwickelt sich die Meditationspraxis mit der Zeit??

With David Hope

20-21 april


Having first accomplished shamatha, one proceeds to practice vipashyana. The reason for this is that vipashyana is seeing the nature of the mind as it is by observing it through discriminating knowledge; and in order to see it, one must start with shamatha, since it is absolutely necessary to have control over the mind to be observed, by making it workable”.

                                                                                     – Jamgong Kontrul Rinpoche

Der Weg der Meditation ist nicht statisch, sondern vielmehr, a process of continual change and deepening. We begin with the practice of Shamatha (making friends with ourselves) which is based on simplicity and precision. With time, this leads to and experience of Vipashyana, a vast perspective and a full connection with our world which comes from being present and alive to whatever arises in it.

This weekend will deepen our practice of shamatha, and explore how it transitions further into vipashyana and finallyShamatha-Vipashyana”. 

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David Hope has has been a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche for the past 40 Jahre. He helped establish the London Shambhala Center in the early 1980’s. He has taught widely in Europe and other countries worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. He now lives on the South Coast of England.

David Hope will teach on Zoom. The teachers Alex Paterson and Stefan Wrenfelt will be present.


Standort: Studio Kärleken, Skärmarbrinksvägen 6. Subway station/T-bana Skärmarbrink, Blåsut and Globen.
1100 skr (800 Mitglieder, Zucht, arbeitslos, im Ruhestand) Halber Preis für Teilnehmer aus Dänemark, Finland and Norway.

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Ort: Studio Kärleken am Skärmarbrinksvägen 6. Nur wenige Gehminuten von der U-Bahn Skärmarbrink entfernt, Blåsut und Globen.

Genommen: 1100 kr (800 Mitglieder, Zucht, Rentner, arbeitslos) Registrierungsgebühr 300 SEK wird an pg gezahlt 1342970-9. Vergessen Sie nicht zu schreiben, von wem der Bericht stammt. Halber Preis für Teilnehmer aus Dänemark, Norwegen und Finnland. 500 SEK für Studierende unter 30 år.

Fragen: [email protected]

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Stockholmer Shambhala-Meditationsgruppe
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2024-05-21 17:58:49