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Plaats: Shambhala-meditatiecentrum in Montreal

Hart van Herstelgroep

“Sobriety is finding a new way of living that involves engagement where there was withdrawal; vrijgevigheid waar sprake was van egocentrisme; gemeenschap waar isolatie heerste; vreugde waar bitterheid was; vertrouwen waar cynisme heerste.”

– Kevin Griffioen, Eén ademhaling tegelijk: Boeddhisme en de twaalf stappen

The Heart of Recovery is a meditation and discussion group with the purpose of bringing together the practice of meditation, the Shambhala and Buddhist teachings, en de 12 Steps of recovery. We focus on sharing our experience while bringing together meditation practice with our individual paths of recovery from addiction.

The meeting is open to all, inbegrepen:

  • Anyone interested in exploring the relationship of meditation to the recovery from addictive behaviors
  • Boeddhistische beoefenaars uit welke traditie dan ook
  • 12 Stap beoefenaars uit elk programma

We welcome all individuals who are committed to working with their addictive and compulsive behaviors. This group is open to anyone who is interested in exploring how the path of meditation and the path of recovery intersect.

No meditation experience is necessary, and brief meditation instruction is given at the start of each meeting. Nieuwkomers zullen basismeditatietechnieken leren om te verbeteren, niet vervangen, their own recovery program. Ervaren mediteerders zullen nieuwe manieren ontdekken om hun huidige beoefening te verdiepen en tegelijkertijd de groep te ondersteunen.

Vergaderformaat omvat:

  • Sitting meditation instruction and practice
  • A topic offering in the form of a brief share or reading by the facilitator
  • Discussie en verkenning door groepsleden
  • Het delen van onze persoonlijke ervaring, kracht, en hoop

No need to register and there is no charge for the meetings, but donations to the operating costs of the Center are welcome.

Offer a donation

For information contact Laurence Korman.



Shambhala-meditatiecentrum in Montreal
Bekijk alle evenementen in Shambhala-meditatiecentrum in Montreal
2024-05-14 14:39:56