Lade Veranstaltungen
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Standort: Austin Shambhala Meditationszentrum

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Training to be a warrior is learning to rest in basic goodness, to rest in a
complete state of simplicity.
–Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

In this program we will explore the vital role of unconditional confidence on the Buddhist path. “Unconditionaldoes not refer to having confidence in something, but rather the ability to abide in a state of confidence. This confidence is innate in all of us. The path of meditation uncovers that which obscures this confidence, allowing it to manifest in our lives as simplicity, peace, and authentic presence.


If you have any questions please contact Darren German.

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Austin Shambhala Meditationszentrum
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2024-05-17 08:20:57