Lade Veranstaltungen
Standort: Kootenay Shambhala Meditationszentrum

Kriegerherz – A 6 Tagesmeditationsretreat

Join Susan Chapman at the Kootenay Shambhala Center for Warrior’s Heart – A 6 Tagesmeditationsretreat, offen für alle Schüler, die Stufe V der Shambhala-Ausbildung abgeschlossen haben, Offener Himmel.

In this retreat we will be practicing the profound instructions that were originally given by the Dorje Dradul, Trungpa Rinpoche. They are similar in some ways to his Buddhist mahamudra teachings, but are meant to be taken to heart by authentic practitioners of all contemplative traditions.

For years Susan has been visiting the Kootenays and generously teaching our sangha. Susan’s unique teaching style is both accessible and penetrating. She weaves the teachings and pith instructions from Trungpa Rinpoche together with our own experience to bring us into contact with the profundity of open awareness. We will be guided through the progressive stages of all the previous 4 levels that culminate with Open Sky, resting in basic goodness, connecting with the tender heart of sad-joy and opening to panoramic awareness.

We will begin Monday night with a welcome dinner, then on Tuesday morning through Sunday afternoon we will all be practicing together.

Sample schedule:

9:00Bin – Üben

12Uhr – lunch (bereitgestellt)

1:00 – free time

2:00 – üben

4:00 – tea

5:30 – end practice

6:00 – dinner (not provided)

7:30 – optional evening connection.


Special note: on Friday evening we will transition and extend our practice container to welcome students attending Shambhala Training Level V for the first time. For the weekend, Susan will serve as Director but participants of Warrior’s Heart (6 day program) will collectively serve as staff for the level V. As a support team, we will lead small group meditation discussions as well as serving tea and leading the sittings. The whole retreat is a celebration of the culture of basic goodness.

If you need billeting, please contact us ahead of time so we can help you find accommodations. There are options to stay at the center as well as we have a full kitchen and shower there.For those traveling Nelson, plan to arrive Monday May 21 and travel back Monday May 26th as Sunday our last day will be a full day.

For any questions, kontaktieren Sie bitte [email protected] oder [email protected] 


Kootenay Shambhala Meditationszentrum
Sehen Sie alle Veranstaltungen in Kootenay Shambhala Meditationszentrum
2024-05-10 13:08:12