Chargement Évènements
Emplacement: Dorjé Denma Ling

Corps paisible, Esprit paisible: Niveaux de Qi Gong 1 et 2

Quand le corps est détendu et apaisé, l'énergie circulera. Quand l'esprit est tranquille, il englobera le qi et renforcera le corps. Dans les arts chinois de la santé et de la longévité, le qigong cultive simultanément un corps et un esprit paisibles.

La santé physique et le bien-être mental sont étroitement liés. Qigong is designed to cultivate strength of body and calmness of mind through Taoist practices that integrate movement, haleine, and qi, or internal energy, to promote health and longevity. A form of gentle, relaxing exercise, qigong strengthens joints, muscles, tendons, and bones, increases flexibility, stimulates the circulation of energy in our body, and enhances mental clarity.

Il n'y a aucune exigence. Si vous souhaitez commencer à améliorer votre santé physique et votre bien-être mental, ce programme est pour vous.

This weekend is a rare opportunity to receive instruction in two unique qigong lineages, the Pre-Celestial Limitless Gate School (xiantianwujimen) and the Yiquan School. Xiantianwujimen was founded in the Song dynasty (circa 10th to 12th centuries) by Daoist sage Chen Xiyi, who is recognized as « the father of qigong. »

These uninterrupted lineages have been handed down to Docteur. Eva Wong. Donna MacKenzie has received these practices directly from Dr. Wong. Il y a 5 introductory levels; this weekend covers Levels 1 & 2.

Levels 1 & 2

Begin your journey of health and well-being:

  • In Qigong 1, learn six classic techniques that relax the body and two postures of standing qigong that gather internal energy.
  • Continuer le Qi Gong 2 to learn how to guide energy through the body using the Nine Self-Massage.
  • Complétez le programme en apprenant le changement de tendon des douze dévas — la forme de qigong la plus efficace utilisée pour réparer les blessures physiques et améliorer la force musculo-squelettique.


Levels 1 & 2 are always taught together. It is not possible to take just Level 1.

Qui devrait être présent

This retreat is open to everyone who is interested in experiencing the benefits of Qigong practice.

Graduates of Levels 1 et 2 may continue their journey with Level 3 – 5, which are offered regularly at various practice centres. Cependant, there is no need to continue through the levels: Levels 1 et 2 provide significant health benefits if practised on a regular basis.


Frais de scolarité & Repas: $305
Hébergement: Varies by type. Please see the registration page for information on options.

Politique de générosité: Si vous avez besoin d'une aide financière pour participer, please email our Finance Manager, Suzy Ulrich, à [email protected].

Register On the DDL Website


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2024-05-20 04:26:16