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Ikebana – the Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement

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Ikebana – the Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement

Samstag Mai 4, 2024

1:00Uhr – 5:30Uhr

Ikebana meansgiving life to flowers”. Thjs is the Japanese art of flower arrangement in which the arrangement brings nature and humanity closer together. The goal is to reveal the inner qualities of these natural elements and convey emotions through the arrangement. Ikebana emphasizes asymmetrical composition and the use of empty space. The minimalism and mindfulness inherent in Ikebana extend to our broader lifestyle, influencing daily decisions and promoting a sustainable approach to consumption beyond just floral arrangements.


Kosten: $45

Cost includes flowers and branches for 2 arrangements; substantial snacks and refreshments; and use of containers and flower frogs.



-medium metal/plastic bucket to hold water with flowers and branches

-if you want to take your arrangement home, bring your own container and flower frog

You can also place your arrangement materials in your bucket to take and rearrange at home

Masks are not required but are welcomed. Please do not wear scented personal care products to the centre. There is a working medical service dog in the community. Bitte 100% ignore the service dog for the safety and independence of the owner.



St. Margaret's Bay Shambhala Center
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2024-05-17 11:48:50