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Lokalizacja: Filadelfijskie Centrum Medytacji Szambali

Naucz się medytować (Osobiście)

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W tych trudnych czasach, praktyczna mądrość medytacji może pomóc nam wykazywać się większą życzliwością w codziennym życiu, confidence and curiosity.This program isideal for beginners as well as students who want to work on stabilizing their meditation. If you are new to meditation, you will receive a gentle introduction to this profound practice. If you already practice meditation, this is an opportunity to join with others and strengthen your practice. Each session will include an overview, guided meditation in the practice techniques, dyskusja, and recommendations for continuing one’s practice.

UPDATED Health guidelines –   as of October 21, 2022, the policy for in person events at the Center is: Maski są opcjonalne. They are welcomed and encouraged for the protection of yourself and others. Vaccination is not required. If you are not feeling well and/or are symptomatic: please stay home and take care of yourself.

Filadelfijskie Centrum Medytacji Szambali
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2024-05-20 06:48:36