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Standort: Ottawa Shambhala Center

Carleton University Chaplaincy

Ottawa Shambhala Centre’s Buddhist chaplaincy out-reach at Carleton University. Geführte Meditationen, Klassen, and guidance available to students, faculty, and staff of Carleton University. On-site at the Carelton University Spirituality Centre, room T-27 (Tunnels at the junction between Patterson & Tory buildings).

Please check the Carleton University’s calendar for the university’s schedule. The university will be closed on civic holidays.


First Monday of classes, every month: Learn to Meditate from 12h00-13h00; Office Hours from 13h00-14h00

Every other Monday: Drop-in Guided Meditation from 12h00-12h30 ; Office Hours from 12h30-14h00.




Ottawa Shambhala Center
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2024-05-19 09:33:22