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Lokalizacja: Centrum Szambali w Birmingham

Kształcenie ustawiczne dla instruktorów medytacji: Weekend 3

To trzecie szkolenie weekendowe jest przeznaczone dla autoryzowanych instruktorów medytacji i osób, które są szkolone w tej roli.

Weekend Three includes a Saturday overview of mental health, medytacja, and the role of the Meditation Instructor tailored for people who are not mental health experts. Presenters will address the following topics

  • An overview of therapeutic modalities in contrast to meditation
  • The role of meditation
  • When to refer patients for mental health support

Sunday will focus on investigating the personal journey of a Meditation Instructor framed in terms of the four dignities of meek, dziarski, outrageous, and inscrutable. Topics that will be addressed are:

  • Modesty, while at the same time the development of confidence
  • Maintaining lungta and offering that to our local communities
  • Community building across the Meditation Instructor communityhow can we help and support each other and mentor new MI’s

This program is offered as a Revenue Sharing Course with Shambhala Online. Register with Shambhala Onlineon this page and enter the unique code2024KONTYNUACJA50

Po więcej informacji, kontaktŻaneta Bronstein.

Centrum Szambali w Birmingham
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2024-05-20 07:44:02