Shambhala Meditation Retreat Morning

Галіфакс 1084 Баштова дорога, Галіфакс, NS, КАНАДА

Open only to those who have received the transmission for Shambhala Meditation, наприклад, in a Shambhala Meditation weekthun or one of the Basic Goodness series courses. Zoom link available to participants upon registration.

Shambhala Meditation Retreat Morning

Галіфакс 1084 Баштова дорога, Галіфакс, NS, КАНАДА

Open only to those who have received the transmission for Shambhala Meditation, наприклад, in a Shambhala Meditation weekthun or one of the Basic Goodness series courses. Zoom link available to participants upon registration.

2024-05-18 19:00:42