Alice Haspray

Alice Haspray began practicing meditation in 1967 with Zen master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (author of Zen-Geist, Anfängergeist). After Roshi’s death in 1971, she continued on the path of meditation and study with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and was a close student until his death in 1987. After Trungpa Rinpoche’s death, Alice continued studying the advanced Shambhala teachings with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Trungpa Rinpoche’s eldest son. IIn 2010 Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche appointed Alice as a shastri or senior teacher in Nova Scotia, and in early 2013 the Sakyong and Pema Chödron requested her to serve as Gampo Abbey’s senior teacher in residence, which she did through 2016. She and her husband Richard returned to their home on St Margaret’s Bay in December 2016, and she now serves as Head of Practice and Education at the St Margarets Bay Shambhala Centre. Alice has been teaching about Buddhism and Shambhala for nearly forty years. She has taught seven Warrior Assemblies (including two at Dorje Denma Ling) as well as many Shambhala Training and other meditation programs in North America, Chile, Brazil, and Spain.

Alice's Courses

Cycle of the Black Ashe ist eine Vortragsreihe von Robin Kornman über den Terma-Zyklus des Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Dieser Kurs besteht aus sieben Vorträgen, die Absolventen der Warrior Assembly offen stehen. Ein Vortrag ist auf SS-Praktizierende beschränkt.
Es gelten die Voraussetzungen Kriegerversammlung (Teilnahme)
2024-05-10 06:19:38