Denise Blanc

Denise Blanc, MAMA has over two decades as Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Mediator. She has been a student exploring race, kultura, and her own whiteness for the past 12 years and has participated in numerous trainings and programs included “The Untrainingand D2K (Diversity Think Tank). Denise has co-designed and developed numerous programs on race and culture for healthcare environments, as well as co-leading programs within Shambhala addressing white privilege. She has been a member of Shambhala since 2003. Jest autorką RiverLogic: Tools to Transform Resistance and Create Flow in all of our Relationships, published in December 2022 through IngramSpark.

Denise's Courses

Kurs medytacji ucieleśnionej i opartej na traumie, należący, i powiązane tematy. Dla przewodników Szambali i instruktorów medytacji, zarówno w ramach szkolenia wstępnego, jak i kształcenia ustawicznego.
Obowiązują warunki wstępne
Szkolenie instruktorów medytacji
2024-05-10 03:18:34