Willkommen auf der neuen Shambhala.org-Website!

Weißer Lotus

We’re so excited to announce the launch of the redesigned Shambhala.org website. This was a collaborative effort among dozens of people throughout 2022.

We especially want to thank Nichole Enslin, Wendy Friedman, Paweł Molenda, Bernard Spiegeleer, Alice Toohey, the Shambhala Digital Refresh Team (Mark Blumenfeld, Friedrich Meyer, Faradee Rudy, Susan Ryan, Jeff Scott, John David Smith, Mimi Valiulis, and Natasha West), und das Integritive team (Jeremiah Lutz, Ruth McMahan, Travis Medford, and Jessica Slomba).

We’ll be adding to and updating the site actively from here, and we know there’s lots of fresh paint right now. We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Danke!

Dieser Artikel ist Teil der Shambhala.org Community-Blog, Es bietet Reflexionen von Mitgliedern der Shambhala-Gemeinschaft über ihre individuellen Reisen in Meditation und Spiritualität.

Ein Gedanke zu "Willkommen auf der neuen Shambhala.org-Website!

  1. Thanks for all these refreshing ideas. Ach, the button to sign up for receiving the new Shambhala.org newsletter is not active here. How to sign up for the newsletter please? With sincere gratitude, Petra Mudie

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2024-05-21 08:36:44