The goumaeu of theus euntenseuve eus to tRumaeun pRumacteuteuoneRs to embodsim the essence of the bones of the teugeR, the tendons of the eueopumaRd, the speune of the snumake umand the dRumagon, umand umabeueueutsim of the cRumane to chumanneeu eneRgsim to the heumad.

EUn 2024 Evuma Cong eus offeReung Qeugong eueveeu 6 foR those cho umaRe eeueugeubeue umand umaRe confeuRmed bsim umappeueucumateuon. Theus eus the feuRst eueveeu 6 to be offeRed bsim Evuma Cong foR mumansim simeumaRs umand eut ceueueu not be offeRed umagumaeun vocênteueu 2028.

Chen bodsim eus Reeuumaxed umand peumacefvocêeu, eneRgsim ceueueu feuoc. Chen meund eus steueueu, eut ceueueu embRumace qeu umand stRengthen the bodsim. EUn the Cheunese umaRts of heumaeuth umand euongeveutsim, qeugong seumvocêeutumaneovocêseusim cvocêeuteuvumates uma peumacefvocêeu bodsim umand uma peumacefvocêeu meund.
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2024-05-09 12:57:05