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Localização: Centro de Meditação Shambhala de Atlanta

Forma de Desperto – o guerreiro encarnado no mundo [em pessoa]

We’re thrilled that Hope Martin, a Master Teacher of the Alexander Technique, who led her popular Shape of Awake Retreat at the Atlanta Shambhala Center annually from 2010 – 2019 is back for a weekend Warrior in the World retreat and an additional 3 days for Shape of Awake Deepening Retreat.

The weekend program weaves the Warrior in the World teachings into the Alexander Technique practice. Hope will teach the mechanics of easy, balanced upright. Learn how to shed a lifetime of excessive tension to be embodied, upright, balanced and supported by the earth. Being upright is not just an arbitrary shape; it’s the bearing of awake. Explore how postural habits and holding patterns keep us circulating in a small, self-referential orbit.

Our habits are comprised of many moments of response, practiced over time and largely unconscious. Yet they set the tone for how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. The way we hold ourselves may form as protection for good reason, but at a cost. It limits our ability to experience the vividness, prazer, and sharp edges of the world directly. When we let our protective responses touch us, we develop genuine sympathy for ourselves.  Quando nos livrarmos da nossa tensão e ficarmos de pé, estamos mais conectados conosco e atentos ao que está ao nosso redor. Desta forma, podemos nos aventurar no mundo com uma vulnerabilidade destemida, gentil, and awakecome what may. Plus, it feels good!

Both new and experienced meditators are welcome to attend this retreat. For those who have attended retreats with Hope in the past, this is a good refresher. Within a safe, cuidadoso, and supportive environment the program will include meditation instruction and practice, teaching on basic body mechanics and alignment, humor, and gentle hands-on guidance from the instructor to help release unnecessary tension.

“The work with Hope dramatically improved my practice because sitting correctly I can better stay present.” – Judy Cameron

 “I find Hope to be a very skilled teacher with a strong intuitive sense of how to work with each individual. Her Alexander work is deep and subtle and has been extremely helpful in deeply understanding some of the principles of meditation posture that had eluded me for many years.

 — Michael Chender

Hope Martin, a Master Teacher of the Alexander Technique, has taught the practice for 37 anos, trained Alexander teachers for over two decades at the American Center for the Alexander Technique and operates Hope Martin Studio in New York City. She is a Meditation Instructor, a Focusing trainer and has been a close student of Pema Chodron for over 30 anos. Her particular passion is in helping her students discover how easeful, upright posture is an expression of their human dignity, confiança, and innate wakefulness. To learn more about Hope’s work visit hopemartinstudio.com

This weekend retreat is open to everyone and is a prerequisite for the Shape of Awake Deepening Retreat April 29-May 1 for anyone who has not previously taken Shape of Awake with Hope Martin. The weekend retreat is in person only.

You may also join us for the whole 5 dayswhich is highly recommended! After the weekend stay for Forma de Desperto – Deepening Retreat and integrate the Alexander Technique. Learn how to shed a lifetime of excessive tension and befriend yourself. In addition to the Alexander Technique, the practice of Focusing will be introduced.

“What I learned in the retreat was immediately useful and very interesting. Hope helped our group experience the truth of ‘embodied wisdom.She was warm, compassivo, de castigo, professional, and deeply informed. Her approach to the body perfectly parallels the compassionate self-observation we are engaged in as meditators.

 — Celena Matsen

Limited scholarships are available for Black, Indígena, and People of Color (BIPOC). Contact Lisa Federico [email protected] Para maiores informações.


Centro de Meditação Shambhala de Atlanta
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2024-05-22 15:59:17