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Localização: Centro de Meditação Filadélfia Shambhala

Segunda-feira à noite-prática, Estudar & Sanga: Uma reunião informal (Em pessoa & Conectados)


Join us either in-person or online for this gathering

Link de zoom https://zoom.us/j/829788379

password:  035400

Zoom 929-436-2866, 829788379#

A Monday evening social gathering, prática de meditação, e estudo/discussão para praticantes de meditação em todos os níveis.

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM – light snacks and social time

6:30 PM – 7:00 PM – prática de meditação

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – dharma readings and discussion

The “dharma-readings-and-discussionprovides an opportunity to make connections between the teachings and the practice of meditation in everyday life.

We are studying Lojong – a 59 “treinamento mental” slogans of Atisha. Cada semana, commentaries on one slogan are read aloud for contemplation through collective listening. Selections are excerpted from books by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Ani Pema Chodron and Traleg Kyabgon, entre outros.

Each Monday evening provides a fresh start to reconnect with motivations and aspirations for practice and study, among the company of fellow practitioners.

There is no fee to attend, but a donation of $2-$5 é sugerido.


Centro de Meditação Filadélfia Shambhala
Veja todos os eventos em Centro de Meditação Filadélfia Shambhala
2024-05-19 14:44:20