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Localização: Centro de Meditação Shambhala de Nova York

A Grande Mãe: O princípio feminino em tempos difíceis + Meditação Comunitária (Em pessoa)

You’re invited to join us for a talk on the feminine principle in honor of Mother’s Day and a community meditation on Sunday, May 12th at 2PM in NYC!

Renowned story-teller Laura Simms will recount small yet potent stories reflecting the role of the feminine principle during these turbulent times, whether nurturing, wrathful, seductive, or healing. She will also encourage participants to tell their own small stories of mothers, daughters, and sons, and how the feminine principle manifests in their lives.

Aberto a meditadores de todos os níveis de experiência, meditações comunitárias nos oferecem a oportunidade de praticar e estudar juntos, conhecer e conectar-se com outros membros da nossa comunidade e atualizar nossa sensação de bem-estar, bondade, and sanity.

If you need financial assistance, reach out to us at [email protected]. Please note the new start time of 2pm instead of 1:30PM.

NEW LOCATION: 151 C. 30Rua, 3Terceiro Andar, Nova Iorque, Nova Iorque 10001

New to meditation? oAprenda a Meditar sessions offered every Tuesday evening of the month can serve as an excellent introduction to sitting meditation.

Sobre o professor: 
Laura Simms is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, writer and educator who has been studying and practicing within the Shambhala tradition for over thirty years. She is an advocate of using storytelling as compassionate action and as a tool for community transformation. In these unprecedented times, her stories and powerful performances address the most pressing issues of our times with dignity and joy.

Centro de Meditação Shambhala de Nova York
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2024-05-18 07:16:45