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Plaats: Birmingham Shambhala-centrum

How to Practice and Teach Mindfulness-Awareness Meditation – Klas 2

This weekend program is is the second one presented by Shambhala Online and BSMC, which is designed to support those interested in sharing the practice of meditation with others to cultivate the understanding and skills to assist others along their meditation path.

It is also open to those with an interest in understanding more about their own meditation practice.

Weekend two will focus on embodimentboth generally and in meditation practice. The following topics will be discussed, as well as how to convey a sense of the experience of embodiment to others and how to guide people towards being embodied in their meditation practice:

  • Een overzicht van Mindfulness van het Lichaam
  • Het ontdekken van gemak en vreugde in de fysieke houding van meditatie
  • Ons lichaam verbinden met het lichaam van de aarde en de elementen van onze natuurlijke wereld
  • De energie van emoties in je lichaam voelen en je stoel vasthouden, met jezelf en anderen
  • Communiceren met anderen vanuit een belichaamde plek.
  • Leren werken met lichamelijk ongemak door middel van mindfulness van het lichaam
  • Verkenning en vertrouwdheid met de vier houdingen van meditatie
  • Tips on how to lead body-centered practices such as shamatha yoga with an emphasis on permission language and adaptations
  • Het brengen van “mindfulness van het lichaam” in het dagelijks leven


At BSMC, following Sunday’s session, we will offer an information and question and answer session for those interested in training as meditation instructors at the Birmingham Shambhala Meditation Center. Here is an information sheet regarding this planned local training.

This program is offered as a Revenue Sharing Course with Shambhala Online. Register with Shambhala Online on this page and enter the unique code: 2024CONTINUING50

Voor meer informatie, contact Janet Bronstein.


Birmingham Shambhala-centrum
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2024-05-20 11:13:58