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Localização: Centro de Meditação Shambhala de Portland

Caminhada de Meditação Drala: Lacamas Creek and Round Lake

Caminhada de Meditação Drala: Lacamas Creek and Round Lake

Sábado, 20 de abril, 2024  

10:00 SOU – 2:00 PM

Junte-se a nós para uma caminhada Drala, onde acalmaremos a mente para nos abrirmos à sabedoria da natureza e às energias Drala do noroeste do Pacífico.. We hike in noble silence while contemplatively attuning and engaging the senses in the phenomenal world around us.

Who would have guessed that this natural wonderland lies behind the paper mill in Camas, WA?  Join us for this is a gem of a hike close to Portland where we may catch the Camas Lilies in bloom this time of year. We will combine hiking with meditation and will be observing noble silence. Bring water, lunch, a hat, sunscreen, rain gear, and a kneeling pad or something else to sit on for occasional stops for sitting meditation. 



Hike difficulty: Easy, 4.5 miles total, sobre 300 feet elevation gain

Meeting time: 10:00 AM rain or shine

Meeting Place: Due to closure of the 3rd Street entrance/parking/trailhead, registrants can meet in NE Portland at Liz Howell’s house for carpooling with a 9:15 am SHARP departure. Contato Drala Hike Coordinator for address. Ou, registrants can drive on their own and meet Liz and the group at the main entrance to Safeway in Downtown Camas (Garfield and NE 3rd St) @ 9:45 sou. From there we will carpool to the trailhead with an alternative parking arrangement. Please be prompt.

Total drive time from Portland: 20 minutes from the airport in NE Portland

Return time: sobre 2 PM

Hike leader: Liz Howell & Joan Sears

Car Pool: Contact Liz Howell, Drala Hike Coordinator in advance to see if car pool options are available for this hike.



Registration online helps avoid the pen and paper contact involved in filling out emergency contact and release forms in person. When you register (abaixo), you will be asked to list an emergency contact’s name and number and to check a box indicating that you consent to this release form (releasing Shambhala from liability). Please register by the end of the day on Thursday, abril 18.

By relaxing the mind, you can reconnect with that primordial, original ground, which is completely pure and simple. Out of that, through the medium of your perceptions, you can discover magic, or drala.”   ~Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


Drala hikes are open to the public. No dogs, por favor – For questions about this or other things, please contact Liz Howell, Drala Hike Coordinator.


2024 Drala Hike Schedule

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2024-05-17 01:42:09