Mark Blumenfeld

Mark Blumenfeld became a student of Shambhala in 1979 when he began studying with Chögyam Trungpa, Shambhala’s founder. In the 1990, he moved to Madison, Wisconsin and worked with the community there to found the Shambhala Center of Madison. He is a former Center Director and has taught programs and led retreats in meditation, consapevolezza, Buddhism and Shambhala for over 30 anni. Mark has also served on the Board of Shambhala Global since 2018. He is married to Lora Wiggins, has three adult children and lives in Madison, WI.

Mark's Courses

Un corso sull'insegnamento della meditazione incarnata e informata sul trauma, appartenente, e argomenti correlati. Per Guide Shambhala e Istruttori di Meditazione sia per la formazione iniziale che per la formazione continua.
Si applicano i prerequisiti
Formazione per istruttori di meditazione
2024-05-06 01:29:55