დედამიწის კოლექტივის შეხება

Collective action for the rebalancing, დაცვა, and celebration of a healthy, living world.

The Shambhala Times Magazine

TheShambhala Times online magazine is the news hub for the global Shambhala community. With community news, regular dharma and culture columns, and much more, TheTimes is your source for everything that’s happening in Shambhala right now.

ქცევის კოდექსის ცენტრი

The ქცევის კოდექსის ცენტრი is a place to find the Shambhala Code of Conduct Policies and Process. It contains a variety of information and resources about how the Code of Conduct is implemented in Shambhala.

აღდგენის გული

Heart of Recovery joins Buddhist meditation and 12-step work in order to connect to and engage in a commitment to recovery from addiction, and addictive behaviors and patterns in our lives.

ოჯახები და ბავშვები

Heart of Recovery joins Buddhist meditation and 12-step work in order to connect to and engage in a commitment to recovery from addiction, and addictive behaviors and patterns in our lives.

Shambhala Global Newsletters

An archive of our community-wide newsletters.

Kalapa Publications

Publications, recordings, and practice materials.

შამბალას არქივები

A repository of recordings and holdings from throughout Shambhala’s history.

შამბალას პროცესის გუნდი

Community volunteers exploring paths forward for the Shambhala community.

შამბალას საზოგადოების საუბრები

Facilitated group conversations on important topics, open to the entire Shambhala community.

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