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მდებარეობა: ბირმინგემის შამბალას ცენტრი

მეომრის დაბადება – შამბალას ტრენინგი II დონე

We are continuing our new schedule format for the Way of Shambhala classesThe old plan of weekend-long retreats or classes is difficult for many people, and since this path of meditation explicated in the Shambhala teachings is so deep and valuable, we want to make it more accessible. Therefore, each class will be scheduled in a weekly format: three Saturdays from 9 am to noon, with opportunities to make up sessions you miss.

The Shambhala Training arc offers guidance in gradually deepening our personal meditation practice as a pathway to developing connection with and confidence in our fundamental human goodness, worthiness and bravery.  Practice follows the trajectory described in Chögyam Trungpa’s book, შამბალა: მეომრის წმინდა გზა.   დონე II: მეომრის დაბადებაis the second in a series of five programs. რომლებიც მიიღება თანმიმდევრობით.

მეომრის დაბადება builds on the presentation of basic goodness in ადამიანად ყოფნის ხელოვნება (შამბალა I დონე) and explores how our experiences in life lead us to develop emotional and behavioral routines in order to keep ourselves in our familiar comfort zone. However, maintaining this comfort zone diminishes our connection to others and to the natural world. Meditation practice allows us to notice our habitual routines with fearlessness and without self-judgment. Seeing the contrast between maintaining familiar patterns and opening up to the energy of the present moment is the basis for moving towards genuineness.

In each weekly session, we will listen to a talk from Level II as presented on Shambhala Online by Holly Gayley and Adrienne Chang, practice the meditation style for the Level, and have our own discussion.

The program will be hybrid, with the Zoom link made available upon registration.

წინაპირობა: ადამიანად ყოფნის ხელოვნება (დონე I).

ბირმინგემის შამბალას ცენტრი
იხილეთ ყველა ღონისძიება ბირმინგემის შამბალას ცენტრი
2024-05-22 11:27:27