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Posizione: Centro Boulder Shambhala

Formazione Shambhala III: Guerriero nel mondo (Di persona)


Formazione Shambhala III: Guerriero nel mondo
Friday April 26th, 7-9pm Mountain Time
Sabato & Domenica, April 27th & 28th, 9am-6pm MTN Time
Solo di persona

Prezzo pieno $165
Sponsor: $200
BSC Member: $130
Subsidized: $100

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Nell'addestramento Shambhala III, lavoriamo in modo deliberato, fare uno sforzo per portare la consapevolezza e la consapevolezza coltivate nella nostra pratica di meditazione in tutti gli aspetti della vita quotidiana. Quando diventiamo svegli alle nostre percezioni sensoriali, possiamo avventurarci nel mondo con fiducia e vulnerabilità senza paura, gentile, e vivo.

The warrior begins to expand awareness to explore the world with direct perception. This can be the beginning of a lifelong love affair with the phenomenal world, one not based on the reference points of hope and fear or gain and loss. Durante questo viaggio sviluppiamo una vera fiducia, umorismo, and personal dignity.

Every Shambhala Training program includes thorough meditation instruction, periodi di pratica meditativa, one-on-one meetings to clarify questions, interventi degli insegnanti senior, group discussions and a concluding reception.

Prerequisiti: Shambhala Training I and II

Shambhala Training provides in-depth meditation retreats and teachings. Attendance is required for each session of the program.

About the Way of Shambhala

The Way of Shambhala includes Shambhala Training programs I–V. This series offers a glimpse of the Shambhala vision of enlightened society by emphasizing how meditation can impact our daily livesand from there, how the sanity of meditation can impact our community and our whole society. Fare clic Qui for a full description of the Way of Shambhala.

We are delighted that through sponsor support, we can offer pricing options. Registering as a sponsor generously supports those who cannot afford the full price. Grazie!

Politica di generosità: Please contact Ed Smutney at[email protected] if you need financial assistance to attend this program.


Centro Boulder Shambhala
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2024-05-19 12:17:47