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Posizione: Shamballa in linea

Riunione domenicale di Shambhala: la linea in movimento: Percorrere un percorso calligrafico

I raduni domenicali sono IN DIRETTA ogni settimana alle 3:00 p.m. EST

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La vita a volte presenta un percorso chiaro. Per Barbara Bash era l'alfabeto. These were the shapes that drew her in and opened up her creative expression. Vieni a conoscere le molteplici forme che ha assunto questo percorso, i modi in cui si è mescolato con il Buddismo e Chögyam Trungpa, e come continua ad evolversi nella sua vita. Some calligraphic expression may occur on the spot!

About Barbara

Barbara Bash is an author, illustrator and calligraphic artist. Her contact with Chögyam Trungpa guided her into a deeper play with the ancient principles of heaven, earth and human. She has collaborated over the years with musicians, storytellers and dancers in fresh forms of visual improvisation. Barbara insegna pennello espressivo, contemplative handwriting and illustrated journaling. Being part of the Creative Process team at the Authentic Leadership in Action conferences from 2001-2013 led to the creation of her big brush community practice. She has trained in Nonviolent Communication and Focusing and leads a monthly Circle Practice: Strengthening the Heart. Barbara has written and illustrated a number of children’s books about the natural world and Natura vera: Un diario illustrato di quattro stagioni in solitudine. Vive nella Hudson Valley di New York. For more information about her work go to Suo Natura vera visual blog is

2024-05-20 03:54:46