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Posizione: Gruppo di meditazione Gainesville Shambhala

Cuore di recupero in linea

Heart of Recovery è aperto a chiunque sia interessato a esplorare come si intersecano il percorso della meditazione e il percorso del recupero. All are welcome who are working with recovery from addiction to substances and behaviors as well as those whose lives have been impacted by addictive and compulsive behaviors. No meditation experience is necessary.

Newcomers will learn basic meditation techniques to enhance their own recovery program.  Experienced meditators will deepen their current practice while adding support to the group. The meeting format includes meditation, readings/or topic and group discussion bringing together Shambhala Buddhist meditation practice with the Twelve Steps.

For zoom link clicca quiFor more information email: [email protected]

Gruppo di meditazione Gainesville Shambhala
Vedi tutti gli eventi in Gruppo di meditazione Gainesville Shambhala
2024-05-18 16:42:01