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Posizione: Shamballa in linea

Riunione domenicale di Shambhala—”Seconda domenica” Pratica Maitri Bhavana

I raduni domenicali sono IN DIRETTA ogni settimana alle 3:00 p.m. ET

Le donazioni sono benvenute!

Join us for a Maitri Bhavana Practice led by Chaplain Alley Smith as a way for our worldwide community to come together to practice for the wellbeing of others each month. “Maitri Bhavana Second Sundayincludes a brief talk, a discussion period, and Maitri Bhavana practice. Maitri Bhavana is a regularly scheduled mahayana practice for the seriously ill, o per grandi disordini e disastri globali. It contains tonglen practice and may be done by anyone. If you would like to add the name of someone who is seriously ill to the maitri bhavana list so people can do practice for their wellbeing, per favore clicca qui. Puoi anche aggiungere il nome di un evento mondiale in corso in cui c'è tumulto, conflitto, and disaster and we will practice for those affected.

About Alley

Cappellano Alley Smith (lei/lei) è un ministro della religione buddista Shambhala ordinato. She works at Brown University in Providence Rhode Island and Maine Veterans Homesin Scarborough, Maine. She specializes in higher education, end of life care & as a funeral clergy. Alley è un veterano di guerra militare statunitense. She has been a student of Shambhala and Zen Buddhism since 1999.

2024-05-11 14:58:58