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Posizione: Centro di meditazione Shambhala di Albuquerque

Il Guerriero Bodhisattva: Keeping Our Hearts Open and Strong in Challenging Times

Esplora questo corso Shambhala online registrato al tuo ritmo.


These are challenging and heartbreaking times full of suffering and challenge.

How do we keep our hearts open and engaged while not being overwhelmed? How do we work with feelings of powerlessness and anger while cultivating compassion? How can we stay connected to others while nurturing our own needs?

In this talk and discussion, we’ll explore these questions and paradoxes while drawing on the Bodhisattva and Shambhala teachings and practices to fuel our hearts and minds for staying present in the world today.

This evening program is open to all.


A proposito del Maestro

Halleluiah Strongheart is a transformative and integrative coach, leadership consultant, mom, aspiring poet and disruptor.

She brings years of experience in leadership studies, awareness and mindfulness training, teaching and facilitation, and fostering connection to help people and systems thrive. Per maggiori informazioni, visit her leadership website.


Program prices are suggested amounts. All donations welcome.

Centro di meditazione Shambhala di Albuquerque
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2024-05-18 15:37:52