Caricamento Eventi
Posizione: Centro Shambhala di Birmingham

Formazione continua per istruttori di meditazione: Fine settimana 3

This third weekend training is for authorized Meditation Instructors and those who are being mentored into the role.

Il terzo fine settimana include una panoramica del sabato sulla salute mentale, meditazione, e il ruolo dell'istruttore di meditazione su misura per le persone che non sono esperti di salute mentale. Presenters will address the following topics

  • An overview of therapeutic modalities in contrast to meditation
  • The role of meditation
  • When to refer patients for mental health support

Sunday will focus on investigating the personal journey of a Meditation Instructor framed in terms of the four dignities of meek, vivace, outrageous, and inscrutable. Topics that will be addressed are:

  • Modesty, while at the same time the development of confidence
  • Maintaining lungta and offering that to our local communities
  • Community building across the Meditation Instructor communityhow can we help and support each other and mentor new MI’s

This program is offered as a Revenue Sharing Course with Shambhala Online. Register with Shambhala Onlineon this page and enter the unique code2024CONTINUA50

Per maggiori informazioni, contattoJanet Bronstein.

Centro Shambhala di Birmingham
Vedi tutti gli eventi in Centro Shambhala di Birmingham
2024-05-20 11:47:31