Caricamento Eventi
Posizione: Centro Shambhala di Birmingham

Cuore Risvegliato – Livello di formazione Shambhala IV

We are continuing our new schedule format for the Way of Shambhala classesEach class will be scheduled in a weekly format: three Saturdays from 9 am to noon, with opportunities to make up sessions you miss.

The Shambhala Training arc offers guidance in gradually deepening our personal meditation practice as a pathway to developing connection with and confidence in our fundamental human goodness, worthiness and bravery.  Practice follows the trajectory described in Chögyam Trungpa’s book, Shambhala: Il Sacro Sentiero del Guerriero.   Livello IV: Cuore Risvegliato is the third in a series of five programs. che vengono presi in sequenza.

InCuore Risvegliato, with trust in basic goodness and daring to experience the sharp edge of reality we learn to awaken and open our hearts so we can communicate fully with the world. Rather than using our experiences to re-generate habitual patterns, we can use them as reminders to further wake up. When we approach our world in an open and inquisitive way, we let the world touch our heart, and our heart wakes up to the touch.

In each weekly session, we will listen to a talk from Level IV as presented on Shambhala Online by David and Trudy Sable, practice the meditation style for the Level, and have our own discussion.

The program will be hybrid, with the Zoom link made available upon registration.

Prerequisito: Guerriero nel mondo (Livello III)


Centro Shambhala di Birmingham
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2024-05-22 14:27:16