Caricamento Eventi
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Posizione: Centro di meditazione Victoria Shambhala

Raccolto di Pace

Harvest of Peace is celebrated near the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Historically, this special day is associated with the feeling of appreciation , the spirit of genereosity and sharing the bounty of the season. It is an opportunity for our community to gather, pratica insieme, enjoy good foo and drink, and celebrate the reichness of our local culture and hieritage.

We will begin our event with a Lasung and purification ceremony, have some stories from our history , enjoy some intertainment and share a potluck.

Harvest of Peace is also an importnat time in the yearly cycle to raise funds for our community. There will be a brief fundraiser request during our gathering where we will invite people to give what they can according to their inspiration and abilities.

Centro di meditazione Victoria Shambhala
Vedi tutti gli eventi in Centro di meditazione Victoria Shambhala
2024-05-20 08:26:41