Andy Karr

Andy Karr is a teacher, author and photographer, who offers students profound and penetrating insights into dharma and mind. At an early age, he dreamed of becoming a Zen masterprobably the result of reading Zen en el arte del tiro con arco como un joven, y viendo demasiadas películas de samuráis cuando estaba en la universidad. Eso lo llevó a mente zen, Mente de principiante, y el Centro Zen de San Francisco, entrenar con Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, y posteriormente a Boulder, Colorado, entrenar con Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. el primer libro de andy, Contemplando la realidad, es una serie de investigaciones sobre la naturaleza de la mente y el mundo fenoménico, publicado por Shambhala en 2007. el segundo libro de andy, written with Michael Wood, The Practice of Contemplative Photography: Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes, teaches the most essential photographic skillclear seeing. It was released by Shambhala in 2011. His next book, Into the Mirror: A Buddhist Journey through Mind, Matter, and the Nature of Reality, presents ways that the Mahayana teachings can meet modernity without losing their profundity. The book will be published by Shambhala in the Spring of 2023. Hoy en día, Andy mainly teaches Mahayana view and meditation, and Mahamudra.

Andy's Courses

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