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Ubicación: Centro Shambhala de Seattle

Entrenamiento Shambhala Nivel V: Cielo abierto [En persona]


Comunicarse con el mundo con suavidad y sin miedo., Nuestra conciencia se agudiza y encontramos el cielo abierto y claro de la mente.—una deliciosa fuente de sabiduría y energía elevada. Confiamos lo suficiente en nuestra naturaleza como para dejarnos llevar por el momento presente..

Morgan Root has been a teacher in Shambhala since 2003.  He attended his first Shambhala training program in 1988 in Halifax, N.S. and Kalapa Assembly in 1992.  He has had various roles in Shambhala centers across the country from baker to head of Practice and Study and has taught a variety of Shambhala classes and levels.  He currently works as a math teacher in the Seattle Waldorf High School where he also leads a course in Buddhist practice.  He lives with his wife and two children in Wallingford.

Ubicación: In-Person at Seattle Shambhala Center, 3107 E Harrison Street, Seattle

requisitos previos: Entrenamiento Shambhala nivel IV: Corazón despierto

Ubicación: Centro Shambhala de Seattle, 3107 E Harrison Street, Seattle

Registro: Al registrarse, you’ll have the opportunity to pay online through PayPal (or by credit card), which greatly simplifies the process for us. For further details, ver nuestroProgram Policies and FAQs page.

Preguntas? Please write to us at [email protected].

Centro Shambhala de Seattle
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2024-05-31 09:04:38