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Ubicación: Centro Shambhala de Durham

Ir más allá: El camino del bodhisattva de la sabiduría y la compasión

Explore este curso Shambhala Online grabado a su propio ritmo.

Are you interested in Buddhism? Do you want a refresher on Buddhist fundamentals? A chance to explore Buddhism with a supportive community?

Continuing this spring, the Durham Shambhala Center is offering classes in the Buddhist Path series, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the Tibetan Buddhist Path from the foundational teachings through an introduction to Vajrayana.

The second class in the series, Ir más allá: El camino del bodhisattva de la sabiduría y la compasión, explores the realization and practices that are at the heart of the Mahayana teachings. This class is open to all.

The classes include required readings, contemplaciones, meditation instruction, y
discussion groups.

Registration is closed.

Ir más allá: The Bodhisattva Path of Wisdom and Compassion will be offered on Monday evenings in person at the Durham Shambhala Center, Febrero 26 through May 13.

Required text: El camino del bodhisattva de la sabiduría y la compasión.  

Por favor envíe un correo electrónico [email protected] if you need financial support in order to purchase this book.

The Buddhist Path Series

The Buddhist Path series is divided into three classes.

  • Caer 2023: Foundations: El camino de la liberación individual. Abierto a todos, no prerequisites.
  • Primavera 2024:  Ir más allá: The Path of Wisdom and Compassion. Open to all, no prerequisites.
  • Summer 2024: Vislumbres de Vajrayana: Sacred World. Prerequisites: Completion of both the Foundations and the Going Beyond classes.


Centro Shambhala de Durham
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2024-05-31 22:21:09