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Ubicación: Centro Shambhala de Boulder

Entrenamiento Shambhala V: Cielo abierto (Híbrido)

Entrenamiento Shambhala V: Cielo abierto
Friday September 6, 7-9pm Mountain TIme
Sábado & Domingo, September 7th & 8th, 9am-6pm Mountain Time
This is a Hybrid program (in-person and over Zoom). Please note in the comments when registering if you plan to attend in person or online.

Full price $190
Patrocinador: $225
Miembro del BSC / Subvencionado: $155


tenga en cuenta: Always check your spam folder after registering for programs and other offerings at BSC. Most registration related communications from BSC will come from an email address or

As we learn to trust our nature enough to let go into the present moment with gentleness and precision, our hearts soften, and we appreciate the sacredness of our daily lives.In communicating with the world gently and fearlesslynuestra conciencia se agudiza. We discover the open clear sky of mind, una deliciosa fuente de sabiduría y energía elevada.

Every Shambhala Training program includes thorough meditation instruction, periods of meditation practice, one-on-one meetings to clarify questions, charlas de profesores veteranos, group discussions and a concluding reception.

requisitos previos: Entrenamiento Shambhala IV

Shambhala Training provides in-depth meditation retreats and teachings. Attendance is required for each session of the program.

About the Way of Shambhala

The Way of Shambhala includes Shambhala Training programs I–V. Over the course of a year, these programs introduce the entire Shambhala path. This series offers a glimpse of the Shambhala vision of enlightened society by emphasizing how meditation can impact our daily livesand from there, how the sanity of meditation can impact our community and our whole society.

We are delighted that through sponsor support, we can offer pricing options. Registering as a sponsor generously supports those who cannot afford the full price. Gracias!

Política de generosidad: Please contact Ed Smutney at[email protected] if you need financial assistance to attend this program.

The program prices include a $25 material fee for a pin to commemorate graduating the Shambhala Trainng series, which is quite the accomplishment and very worthy of the celebration that will be on Sunday.


Centro Shambhala de Boulder
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2024-05-22 11:24:06