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Ubicación: Centro de Meditación Shambhala de Albany

Sábado y las Tres Joyas: Dharma y Práctica- Juntos

Saturday Sits es una clase matutina mensual para aquellos de nosotros a quienes nos resulta más fácil acudir a un centro de meditación para apoyar nuestras prácticas de atención plena en comunidad que descubrirlas solos.. Right there in that invitation we can relax in the shared human experience that it’s easier to work with our own minds and sharpen awareness when we’re connected to each otherprecisely theBuddha’s teaching of the Three Jewels – Buda, Dharma, sangha – the teacher, the teachings and community.
So on these Saturday mornings we’ll hear and discuss specific wisdom teachings and we’ll practice sitting and walking meditation. All levels are invited.
Elissa Kane teaches mediation as a way to remind her to practice. She welcomes you to join her in the reality of what’s it like to strengthen our practice together.
Donation of any amount appreciated.
Centro de Meditación Shambhala de Albany
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2024-05-09 18:27:18