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Ubicación: Centro Halifax Shambhala

El arte de ser humano: Introducción a la Meditación

Explore este curso Shambhala Online grabado a su propio ritmo.

A través de la práctica de la meditación., we discover a way to work with our thoughts and connect to the present moment. In this moment, we can discover a feeling of unconditional goodness. Abriéndonos a nosotros mismos con dulzura y aprecio., comenzamos a ver nuestro potencial como seres humanos genuinos y compasivos.

This program includes meditation instruction, negociaciones, periods of meditation practice, and discussion. Everyone welcome.

Viernes, June 7th, 7-9 pm

Saturday*, 8 de junio, 9 am-noon, 2-5 pm

Sunday*, June 9th, 9am-noon

Centro Halifax Shambhala

Sala principal del santuario

Abierto a todos.

Saturday session will include a lunch breakthere is space onsite to eat and enough time to visit a restaurant.

*come early and enjoy a light breakfast

La visión Shambhala enseña que, ante los grandes problemas del mundo, we can be heroic and kind at the same time.
         —Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala, El Camino Sagrado del Guerrero.

How to Register

This program is by donation. Please pay what works for you. To register please click on the Register button below.If you have any trouble registering please send an email to [email protected].   

Your free will donation will be much appreciated. And if you prefer to pay by etransfer, you can send to [email protected]Please make a note of program name.


Centro Halifax Shambhala
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2024-05-20 12:24:05