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Ubicación: Shambala Chicago

Entrenamiento Shambhala nivel III: guerrero en el mundo

Desarrollar la valentía examinando nuestras tendencias habituales., Estamos dispuestos a experimentar nuestra vida sin depender del capullo.. We begin to engage the world directly and extend the attitude of fearlessness to our activities.

Requisito previo: Nivel II: nacimiento del guerrero

Suggested Reading: Shambhala: El Camino Sagrado del Guerrero por Chögyam Trungpa, available in our West Loop bookstore.

Program Discounts

We offer program discounts to make most of our programs available to anyone who wants to participate. Si el precio del programa es un obstáculo para ti, please consider what you can afford, and offer as much of the program fee as you can.

What is the Patron Price?

Those who are able to offer more than the regular program price can select the patron price option. By selecting this option, your generosity is helping to cover the costs of those who may not be able to pay the full price of the program.

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Shambala Chicago
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2024-05-18 07:11:01