During these divisive times, anger in the public square affects every aspect of our life together, usually as obstacle but also as opportunity. What do the Buddhist and Shambhala teachings have to offer us in how to work with anger, our own and others? A partir de las eternas enseñanzas sobre el arte guerrero del maestro indio Shantideva y de la siempre vigente terma de Shambhala., this one-day program investigates anger, its felt qualities and its inherent wisdom, and identifies ways of transforming anger into seeds of peace.
Through guided meditations, negociaciones, and breakouts, we will explore the ways anger hurts everyone it touches and identify what tender wisdom lies at its core.
This program is for everyone, no matter what level of Buddhist practice.
If you have any questions about the program, por favor contactar Colleen Roundhill.
Precios & Política de generosidad
This program will be offered in person and online.
If you will be attending the class remotely, please log in (or create) your shambhala account when prompted and pay for the class when you register to assure you receive the zoom login information in plenty of time and we can problem-solve any issues that may arise in you receiving that information. Unfortunately the automated database does not always function flawlessly and when remote students wait until the last minute to pay it is difficult to problem solve in time to prevent disruption to the online experience. If you have not received login information by the Friday prior, por favor contactar Colleen Roundhill. para ayuda
SOBRE EL MAESTRO: Judith Simmer-Brown, Doctor., Profesor Distinguido de Estudios Contemplativos y Religiosos Emeritx en la Universidad de Naropa, donde ella ha enseñado por más 45 años. Simmer-Brown es un entrenador de compasión para la Iniciativa de Compasión en Naropa. ella es autora deAliento cálido de Dakini: El principio femenino en el budismo tibetano (Shambhala) y editor, con fran gracia, deLa meditación y el aula: Pedagogía contemplativa para estudios religiosos (SUNY). para shambhala, ella enseña niveles de entrenamiento Shambhala, Temas Mahayana y Vajrayana, con un amor especial a Tara Blanca, principio femenino, trabajando con emociones, compasión y compromiso social.